
A 2006 study commissioned by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation found that 71 percent of people using public libraries cite the library as their primary source of access to a computer and the Internet… With more technology in libraries, patrons also have better and faster access to information, the ability to stay connected to family and friends, and opportunities to explore the world.  ALAAmerican Library Association (2009). Public Libraries & Technology.  Retrieved June 14, 2014, from http://www.ilovelibraries.org/getinformed/technology

Yes, this is based on United States of American findings; however, as writer has visited Libraries in USA, in a lot of cities/towns, just as has been done in Australia; it is safe to write that American Libraries, share the same openness, approachability, ease of access, freedom of information, and generic services, just exactly the same, as we do here. Being signed-up with, and having visited all of up to a dozen different Libraries, across metropolitan Sydney, one cannot deny that the computer terminals provided by Library, are often some of the most intensely used resources that these Libraries have to offer – more so, than even free wi-fi (which you can get anywhere).

Now, to the point about video sharing websites – yes, it is understood that question refers to how YouTube, say can be utilised to mainly promote what Libraries have to offer, in terms of services, materials, etc. However, observing various PC screens used by patrons, when visiting Libraries, it is also safe to write, that YouTube website itself is on about every second screen there is – more so than Facebook (FB), email, or other general websites. The writer reckons, the obvious reason for this, is YouTube is also another form oF ‘television’ say, with literally a countless amount of channels (videos)… and counting. Therefore, YouTube is more of a form of entertainment, where anything can be viewed – more so than, what I would deem the ‘1-dimensional’ forms of FB, and Twitter. Users can get much more creative with YouTube, in order to get their message/s across.

So, why wouldn’t Libraries use this media platform, to engage with, and literally bring their Library services to more life? YouTube is undeniably, like a free form of extra TV, where Libraries could create their own short movies, advertisements, or mock-up musical film-clips (or even original musicals); however, hopefully this link goes through – with example of yet another American-made ‘protest’ clip, that creatively gets message acorss: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8QjjKrEK7Y Oooh, as much as I would try to make this more Australian-based, there is just something about Americans, that even when they came across as relatively dead-pan, they can still put more ‘oomph’ into things – and I guess that is why they are world leaders in entertainment (I do not use the trite argument ‘Only in America’, anymore – because, after visiting there, they really are a genuinely more open, and less guarded people, than say here).

Anyway, with a little more effort than it takes with other social networking media, Libraries promoting themselves – not even promoting, but just creating ‘home-video’ style clips, of events, for preservation sake – it would definitely be more eye-catching, and memorable, than merely typing written words, on the screen. However, at the same time, allowing views to make comments, and get their voice across, just like FB, and Twitter – YouTube, contains the best of both worlds.